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Black Magazine Issue No. 6

May 2024

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The Benefits of Using a Paint Protection Film

An expensive new car or paint job needs maximum protection to maintain its gleaming finish and appearance, even with waxes and ceramic coatings applied regularly. Gradual wear-and-tear is inevitable.

3M paint protection film AdelaidePaint Protection Film (PPF), as it is more commonly known, provides the solution. These transparent shield guards against UV exposure, chemicals, light scratches, road grime and road salt accumulation on surfaces.

Protection from UV Rays

High-quality paint protection film blocks less than 0.1% of UV rays, helping to preserve the colours and shine of your vehicle without fading over time. You can now find coloured and textured films to give it an individualistic touch – not only protecting it but giving it more unique looks too!

Paint protection film (PPF) is a protective coating of clear thermoplastic urethane that self-heals over exposed car surfaces. This barrier is an efficient defence against rock chips, road debris, bug platter, chemical damage, bird droppings, acid rain and other environmental contaminants – protecting all or just the front end, including hood, fender, bumper and side mirrors, from damage and corrosion.

Installation involves cleaning, prepping and cutting clear paint protection film to size before activation with a liquid spray. An installer will then smooth over its surface using a squeegee; once complete, it should be virtually invisible yet provide lasting protection for years.

Protection from Scratches

Paint protection film provides your vehicle with maximum protection from the elements. It is a transparent shield that shields paint and glass surfaces from anything that might harm them, helping keep the finish pristine for as long as possible.

PPF (also referred to as clear bra or invisible paint protection film) is an 8mil thick polyurethane film designed to protect high-impact areas on a vehicle, such as its bumper, fender, grille, hood, mirrors and doors from road debris, rock chips, insects droppings bird droppings sap tree sap natural contaminants such as road salt.

Installing PPF will protect your vehicle’s paint job from scratches, swirl marks and marring, protecting its value and investment when selling off later. It should still look as good as new.

Paint protection film provides more effective 3M paint protection film Adelaide from these significant impacts than coatings alone can do, providing greater peace of mind to drivers. While coatings adequately protect against minor scratches, paint protection film offers much better coverage in protecting against significant impacts caused by tree branches or keys.

Protection from Rust

Rust can be an extremely frustrating nuisance to remove from a vehicle’s painted surfaces, especially if it forms in difficult-to-reach spots that cannot be reached with spray cleaners or soap solutions. Paint protection film protects your car from harmful effects by creating an ultra-durable shield against corrosion and oxidation on painted surfaces and chemical exposure from elements like bird droppings, road salt or even commercial or industrial settings.

PPF keeps your vehicle looking brand new while helping it retain value when trading or selling it. Paint protection film provides an affordable solution to costly body panel replacement or repairs and can prevent unsightly blemishes that reduce its value.

Once your clear bra is in place, the best way to keep it looking its best and prevent dust and lint from settling for extended periods is to regularly use a high-quality car soap explicitly designed for such films. Regular washing also ensures its adhesion remains strong over time, ensuring its lifespan remains uncompromised.

Protection from Debris

Vehicles left outside are constantly exposed to dirt, debris and rocks, which can scratch and damage their paintwork. Even brand-new cars may develop rock chips, paint swirls and other imperfections within months of ownership – this is why 3M paint protection film Adelaide, also known as clear bra, helps shield them against such hazards while saving you money in repairs.

Paint protection films are composed of an elastic polymer called urethane that’s both powerful and versatile, tough yet flexible – meaning it can stretch to contour any shape easily before returning to its original state. It protects your vehicle against road debris, sand/salt deposits, hard water deposits, bug droppings/tree sap/bird droppings, and corrosion.

Paint protection film adds an attractive finish to any vehicle and stretches easily over wheel well flares, bumpers, lights, mirrors, door handles and door jambs. When installed by trained and certified technicians like Precision Detailing, its installation becomes virtually undetectable.