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Black Magazine Issue No. 6

May 2024

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Choosing the Right Packaging For Multivitamins

Depending on the product, the packaging for multivitamins can range from pill pouches to liquid vitamin containers. The packaging for multivitamins is essential to protect the vitamins from damage during transit and storage. It is especially true for liquid vitamins.

Liquid vitamin packaging

sustainable packagingWhether you are considering launching a new brand or want to add a liquid vitamin to your line, choosing a manufacturer who can deliver high-quality products and meet your specific needs is crucial. A cohesive brand presentation is also essential to build trust with your customers.

Choosing a good vitamin manufacturer can elevate your brand above the competition. In addition, using a contract manufacturing facility that the FDA inspects will ensure that the vitamins your customers take are safe for consumption.

Many manufacturers have various sustainable packaging options to suit different needs and lifestyles. Some possibilities include tear-away single-use packets, protective glass bottles, bulk containers, and tubes. The most common delivery form for vitamins is pills, but other forms include tablets and capsules. Aside from being easier to swallow, they allow for more complex formulations that are easy to administer.

The liquid vitamin industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. The growth rate continues to accelerate across the globe. With so many people turning to digital healthcare, receiving health supplements in a convenient package is the simplest way to receive them.

In addition to providing a range of customised vitamin formulas, BL Bio Lab is an FDA-approved liquid vitamin manufacturer that is also GMP certified. With strict FDA regulations, the company can create the highest quality, customised formulas. They can also enhance their customer’s product line with various labels, packaging, and more. Their state-of-the-art packaging features anti-oxidant protection and minimises exposure to oxygen while allowing for storage without refrigeration.

Whether you are looking to develop a new brand or want to add a liquid vitamin to your existing product line is a full-service liquid vitamin manufacturing company with over 20 years of experience. They are committed to providing consistent, high-quality liquid products and expert guidance throughout the process.

Pill pouches

Having your vitamins and supplements in pill form is the most convenient way to take them. Not only do they save time and effort, but they also save space. It is especially true in homes that have several families and children.

Some vitamin companies have taken the guesswork out of taking their products by sending the correct dosage in the appropriate packets. It means a better consumer experience, and the brand can earn higher reviews. In addition, using pouch packaging is more effective and environmentally friendly than traditional plastic canisters and bottles.

Many brands are turning to alternatives to plastic. It includes cardboard boxes, aluminium strips, and other materials. These all cost less than the plastic they replace, but their carbon footprints are significantly smaller.

The best pill pouch is only sometimes the most expensive. Most of them are designed to hold up to ten pills. In addition, they have a clear, writable side, making it easy for customers to write down their doses.

Pill pouches are also easy to travel with. They have zippers that ensure the pills stay dry and secure. So if you don’t have time to open up multiple bottles in the morning, you can slip a pill into the pouch, and you’re set.

Consider sustainable packaging if you’re looking for a convenient way to carry your daily vitamins. They’re made with zippers and may be eligible for HSA reimbursement.

There are several options for those who want to go all out, including the Ezy Dose Pill and Vitamin Pack System. These resealable pouches allow users to create custom vitamin and pill packs for their specific needs. They also offer personalised guidance and support.

The supplement industry is increasing, and companies compete for your business. Therefore, choosing to package wisely is crucial to attracting and retaining your most valuable customers. A well-designed sustainable packaging can be the key to your success.

The best pill pouches are lightweight, lead-free, and recyclable. These pouches are also a great way to improve your company’s image and increase compliance.

Stick packs

Getting a drinkable vitamin is a lot easier than it used to be. Stick packs are convenient because they come in a variety of flavours. They can be consumed as is, dissolved in water or mixed with coffee and tea. It means you don’t have to worry about forgetting to take your daily vitamins.

This product is an excellent fit for anyone looking for a tasty treat. It also contains ingredients like stevia, guayusa and silicon dioxide, which have been proven to aid digestion. For a healthy individual, this multivitamin is the drink of choice. It is not recommended for persons with a preexisting medical condition. A bottle of this stuff should last you a while. It is also a good idea to take a few minutes to read the ingredient list and consult your pharmacist before consuming any of it.

Stick packs are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins without having to scrounge around for loose capsules. They are also a lot cheaper to purchase than their liquid counterparts. They are also less likely to spill, especially if you put them in the fridge. It’s no wonder these are so popular.

Plastic jars

Choosing the best plastic jars for multivitamins can be tricky. Generally speaking, the pots are either small or medium and come equipped with snap-on or screw-on caps. However, this can lead to potential problems in terms of storage and safety.

Many vitamin companies have put a lot of emphasis on their packaging designs. These companies want to ensure that their products remain safe and effective even when stored. Some companies have taken the extra step of testing their packaging to ensure compatibility.

The packaging solution developed is designed to support the company’s mission to make its products available in reusable containers. The PET bottle is open in two sizes and is made from 100 per cent post-consumer recycled content. In addition, it is available in custom colours.

Most plastic jars for multivitamins are designed with a twist or screw-on caps. Some brands also offer child-resistant caps. These caps include a universal picture embossed on the top. Unfortunately, these caps require some hand skill to open. Often, the most expensive plastic jars will only have about 500 capsules.